Bila Inche Hati Speaking

"We have not sent down to you the Qur'an that you be distressed. But only as a reminder for those who fear (Allah) "

[20 : 2-3]

unconsciously and conscious, I'm almost ten months of being overseas. I am sure that Egypt also is a kind of tarbiyah from Allah. The beginning of a long journey to self tarbiyah who seek the truth in nowadays alone. However, I'm sure, Allah have planned and his planned are the greatest one.

This heart felt sad, if often neglected. Neglect to run the mandate, negligent in the discharge of the mandate. We often said it easy, yes it is easy. But too often we fail. Why still in a comfort zone. Not too sure doom that awaits those who fasiq? Or lost faiths with what is held during this? Nauzubillah. Maybe because our biah today is not much help. Let's be an impervious person.

Inche Hati disease is also too much. Sometimes to treat in more difficult than caring for the outside. Diseases such as suspect bad, jealousy, envy, lust and anger others again who was always with me where's sake only yourself go. But I'm sure, I'd be changing if only to follow the path of Islam set.
Make dua and change!

Month off here, without any responsibilities make me feel that this test is quite though. I believe myself that anything we show to the public always differed from what we show off at home. It happens. As example, great talk on social pages like facebook, twitter but, on behalf yourself, to trust yourself, about your life, and others. Most of them like to be selfish. On my view, one word is enough to describe the brothers, namely 'failed'.

Walk the talk. Talk only, of course it is easy. They like to say like this, "Cakap memang mudah bro, cuba kau buat".

Because of that, I prefer to be an observers of those admonishing this, I mean not to ignore my responsibilities as a preacher, but I think, we need to pay attention to them too, so we do not act fraudulently in making decisions. Perhaps I may be wrong, or maybe inche hati also wrong.

Inche Hati have a long talk this evening.
Quite simply there.

Thank God, we still have Allah.

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